
TableLayout is an advanced Layout Group system inspired by HTML tables.

  • Easily line-up elements using rows and columns for professional looking forms and user interfaces
  • Show lists of data such as leaderboards/etc. in a clear and easy-to-read fashion
  • No programming required (but you can create/modify tables with code if you wish)
  • Easily Add and Remove Rows/Cells, even at runtime

Working with TableLayout

Adding a new TableLayout

To add a new TableLayout object, right-click the desired location in the hierarchy window, and select
UI -> TableLayout -> Add New Table.

Adding a new TableLayout

You will then be presented with the following wizard:

Add New Table Wizard

This will allow you to select how many rows and columns the new table should have by default. You can always add/remove rows and columns later if you wish.


The TableLayout Component

The TableLayout Component
  • Padding

    Specifies the padding around the entire Table.

  • Row Background Image

    Specifies the image to use as the background for each row.

  • Row Background Color

    Specifies the color to use for each rows background image.

  • Cell Background Image

    Specifies the image to use as the background for each cell.

  • Cell Background Color

    Specifies the color to use for each cells background image.

  • Automatically Add Columns

    If this is set, then the TableLayout will automatically add entries to Column Widths if any row has more cells than there are entries in Column Widths.

    Essentially, this allows you to have TableLayout automatically handle column widths in the same manner as an HTML table.

  • Automatically Remove Empty Columns

    If this is set, the TableLayout will automatically remove entries from Column Widths if there are columns specified in Column Widths which have no cells in them.

  • Column Widths

    Specifies the width of columns in the table. To have a column automatically sized by TableLayout, specify its width as 0.

  • Use Global Cell Padding

    If this is set to true, then the Cell Padding value specified for this TableLayout will be applied to all of its cells.

  • Cell Padding

    The padding value to use for each cell in this TableLayout if Use Global Cell Padding is set.

  • Cell Spacing

    Specifies how much space to leave between cells.

  • Auto Calculate height

    If this is set, the TableLayout will automatically set its own height. This is only useable if each row within the TableLayout has a preferred height set.

  • Buttons
    • Add Row with X New Cells

      This will add a new Row with a full set of empty cells (using the number of entries in Column Widths to determine how many cells to add).

    • Add Empty Row

      This will add a new Row with no cells.

    • Duplicate Last Row

      This will add a new row which is a copy of the last row in the table.


The TableRow Component

The TableRow Component
  • Preferred Height

    Sets the height of this row. If the value is 0, then the height of this row will automatically be calculated by the TableLayout.

  • Dont use Row Background

    If this is set, then you can override the default row background image and color for this row (by modifying the Image component). If it is not set, then TableLayout will override any values set with its own.


The TableCell Component

Cells store the actual contents of your layout.

The TableCell Component
  • Column Span

    How many columns should this Cell span?

  • Dont use Table Cell Background

    If this is set, then you can override the default cell background image and color for this cell (by modifying the Image component). If it is not set, then TableLayout will override any values set with its own.

  • Override Global Padding

    If the TableLayout is set to use Global Cell Padding, setting this value will allow you to override that Global Cell Padding for this cell.

  • Padding

    Sets the padding for this cell.


Working with Code


Adding Rows

You can add more rows using the AddRow method. If no argument is specified, then this method will add a new row with a full set of empty cells (as per Column Widths). Alternatively, you can specify a number of cells you wish to add.


TableRow newRow = tableLayout.AddRow();
newRow.preferredHeight = 128;

Accessing Rows

The rows of a TableLayout object can be accessed through its Rows property, e.g.


TableRow firstRow = tableLayout.Rows[0];


All TableLayout properties can be accessed and modified through code as per the inspector.

Forcing Updates

If you make adjustments to a TableLayout at any level, it will under most circumstances automatically pick up the changes and update. If however, it does not, you can force an update as follows:





Adding Cells

You can add more cells using the AddCell method. You can optionally specify content for the cell by providing a RectTransform as an argument.


TableCell newCell = tableRow.AddCell();
newCell.columnSpan = 2;

Accessing Cells

The rows of a TableLayout object can be accessed through its Cells property, e.g.


TableCell firstCell = tableRow.Cells[0];


All TableRow properties can be accessed and modified through code as per the inspector.



All TableCell properties can be accessed and modified through code as per the inspector.

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